Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Weir Engineering Services Ltd. (WES) announced on 30 January that their partnership has been awarded a contract to design, manufacture, and test 34 pumps for Hinkley Point C.

The contract was awarded by Nuclear New Build (NNB), a subsidiary created by EDF Energy to build and operate two new nuclear power stations in the UK. The MHI-Weir alliance will supply five models of pumps, totalling 34 units, to Hinkley Point C, a two-unit EPR plant, which is scheduled to start commercial operations in 2025.  

As the sub-contractor to WES, MHI will be responsible for design and manufacture of all pumps. WES will be responsible for project management, purchasing motors, pre-installation testing, and delivery of pump sets.

"We have been working closely with MHI since 2010 in order to provide our customer with the optimal pump solution that combines the engineering strengths of two global firms," commented. Mike Mannion, managing director of Weir Engineering Services "A contract like this is good news not only for the teams at Weir and MHI, but also for both the Japanese and UK nuclear engineering industries. "   

Photo: Platform 12 CRF gallery with unit 1 heat sink (Credit:EDF Energy)