Unit 1 of India’s Kundankulam nuclear power plant has been cleared to run at 100% power in limited commissioning tests, by the Atomic Energy Review Board.
The reactor has been operating at up to 75% power since late January, as part of the late stages of commissioning. But after those 100% tests, it is required to return to 90% load to demonstrate stable operation for at least seven days. Only then may it apply to raise power to 100%. Then, after a final review by the AERB and its Advisory Committee for the Project Safety Review of Kudankulam 1&2, it will be allowed to rise to 100% power.
The reactor reached first criticality in June 2013, was connected to the grid in October 2013, and is listed on IAEA’s Power Reactor Information System as having started commercial operation on 30 April.
The 1000MW Russian VVER-1000 reactor began construction in March 2002, but its commissioning and start-up was delayed by anti-nuclear protests.
Photo: Kudankulam nuclear power plant (Source: AtomStroyExport)