The Japanese Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has concluded in a draft report the 890MW Ikata-3 nuclear power plant, owned and operated by the Shikoku Electric Power Co, complies with the new regulatory standards.

The NRA is due to finalise the report after referring it to the Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). It will then release the report to the public for a one-month period in order to receive scientific and technical comments.

The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum said that Ikata 3 is expected to officially clear the regulatory examination this summer. Consent will also be required from the prefecture and local municipalities before the reactor can be restarted, along with official approval of the construction plans and revisions to the operational safety programme.

"Given the timetable, the reactor will be restarted by winter 2015, at the earliest," it said.

JAIF also noted that Ikata 3 is the fifth reactor for which the NRA has prepared a draft review report, following Sendai 1&2 and Takahama 3&4. The basic design of those four has already been approved and permission granted to their operators to change the facilities.

Photo: Ikata nuclear power plant