The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on 23 May that the Czech Republic has significantly improved its regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety in recent years, although work remains to be done in implementing the country’s new Atomic Act, 2017.
An IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) team found that most recommendations made by an earlier IRRS mission in 2013 had been implemented. The Atomic Act, in force since the start of 2017, and the development of supporting regulatory decrees based on IAEA safety standards, represent “significant achievements”, a statement said.
There have been improvements in human resources management, including long-term strategic planning, competency mapping and staff training. The team said the Czech Republic should continue the development and implementation of Czech regulator SÚJB’s management system. SÚJB should consider developing regulations to support the implementation of provisions in the Atomic Act on existing exposure situations and remedial activities.
The Czech Republic has six commercially operating nuclear power reactors: four VVER-440/V-213 units at the Dukovany NPP and two VVER-1000 units at Temelin. Nuclear power accounts for almost one-third of electricity production. Used fuel from the NPPs and the Prague Technical University research reactor is stored on the premises of these facilities. Low- and intermediate-level nuclear waste from NPPs is stored at Dukovany, and waste from other sources at two other smaller sites.