Hot function tests have begun at unit 1 of the Leningrad II NPP under construction at Sosnovy Bor, state nuclear corporation Rosatom said on 16 August. The 78 tests, carried out over 30 days, include simulation of the temperatures and pressures, which the reactor’s systems will experience during normal operation to ensure that coolant circuits and nuclear safety systems are functioning properly before fuel is loaded. Construction of Leningrad II-1, a VVER-1200/491 nuclear unit with an electrical design net power capacity of 1,085MWe, began in October 2008 and physical startup is expected in the autumn. Andrey Petrov, General Director of nuclear utility Rosenergoatom, addressing the construction and design management team, noted: “Over 1.5 years we have managed to apply a number of efficient managerial solutions that allowed us to approach this important process operation in due time.” Earlier Leningrad II had faced difficulties which had led to delays in the construction schedule.