Unit 4 at China’s Fuqing NPP in Fujian province began commercial operation on 17 September, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced, after the 1,087MWe CPR-1000 unit completed a series of commissioning tests. CNNC has 17 operating nuclear power units. Overall, China now has 37 operating nuclear reactors with 20 more under construction. Construction of Fuqing-4 started in November 2012. Two more units are under construction at the site. Fuqing-1 began commercial operation in November 2014, Fuqing-2 in October 2015 and Fuqing-3 in October 2016 – all 1,087MWe CPR-1000s. Fuqing-5 and -6 will be China’s first two Hualong One reactors.