Westinghouse Electric Company has announced that it received a multi-million dollar contract from ENRESA, the Spanish agency responsible for radioactive waste management and nuclear plant decommissioning, to provide the main engineering services for the centralized high-level waste (HLW) and spent fuel interim storage facility in Spain.

The project started in April 2013 and is expected to take approximately five years to complete, Westinghouse said.

Under the contract, Westinghouse will work in consortium with TRSA S.A. and GHESA S.A., the major partners of EMPRESARIOS AGRUPADOS A.I.E., a leading international provider of engineering and consulting services from Spain.

The consortium will be responsible for the main engineering of the project, including a revision of the generic design and developing the detailed engineering of the facility’s main buildings, which includes a High-Level Waste Storage, Container Reception and Services and Auxiliary Systems.

The engineering scope includes civil, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation and control (I&C), process analysis and the integration of other modules in the project.

The interim storage facility located in central Spain could begin operation at the end of 2017 following regulatory approvals, public review and granting of construction and operation licenses. The ATC could store up to some 13,000 cubic meters of waste of which 10,000 cubic meters will be spent fuel and the rest HLW and other long-lived waste not suitable for disposal in the El Cabril repository for low- and intermediate-level nuclear waste in southern Spain.


Photo: Spain’s proposed interim storage facility for high-level waste (Source: Spanish energy ministry)