Egypt announced on 16 March that the agreement had been reached with Russia two out of four major contracts for the construction of the first Egyptian NPP at El Dabaa near El Alamein.

Ayman Hamza, of Egypt’s Ministry of Electricity and Renewable explained that an agreement has been reached with Russia on contracts regulating construction work at the facility, as well as the launching of reactors and the training of Egyptian personnel for the work of the nuclear industry. Discussions continue "on completion of the final approval of the contract for the provision of the station with nuclear fuel and the contract regarding the fate of used fuel," he said, adding that consultations were “positive”.

Signing of contracts will take place after the completion of work to agree on all the details. Russia and Egypt signed an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the construction of El Dabaa in November 2015. It is expected that the signing of commercial contracts will take place this year.