Bringing units 3 and 4 of Bruce A back into service is technically feasible and economically sound, according to a restart assessment carried out by Bruce Power, a partnership between British Energy and uranium producer Cameco. All four Bruce A units are suspended, with no plans to restart units 1 and 2. A programme to restart the reactors has now been launched, with both units expected to be operational by summer 2003.
The restart assessment followed the announcement last July by Bruce Power that it had agreed to lease Bruce A and B plants from Ontario Power Generation. The restart depends on a number of conditions including the successful closure of the Bruce transaction, regulatory approval for the restart being given and the achievement of performance targets for the four operational Bruce B units.
Robin Jeffrey, executive chairman of Bruce Power, said: “A restart of two of the Bruce A units, together with the performance improvements that we believe can be achieved on Bruce B, will deliver another 2000 megawatts of clean electricity capacity into the Ontario market.” In the initial phase of the restart project about C$30 million will be spent over the next three months on external contracts. The total cost of the restart work for both reactors is estimated at C$340 million.