Nuclear Industries of Brazil (Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil – INB) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (Institute for Energy & Nuclear Research – IPEN to establish a collaborative research platform. The MOU will facilitate and expand research, development and innovation activities. The aim is to synergistically take advantage of the unique skills of both institutions in order to develop greater autonomy of the Brazilian nuclear sector.
Areas of cooperation include: the production process of enriched metallic uranium; improving the process for manufacturing UO pellets; research into corrosion in coatings; technological innovation in the management of radioactive effluents; and the development of high-performance nuclear fuel, among other topics.
A Confidentiality Agreement was also signed, which is a legal requirement to enable the sharing of confidential information between the parties.
IPEN (part of the National Nuclear Energy Commission – CNEN) has 66 years of experience in the Brazilian nuclear sector. It contributed to the development of nuclear technologies in the fuel cycle, such as isotopic enrichment of uranium. “IPEN and INB share a long history of cooperation, such as in the manufacturing projects for fuel elements for research reactors”, said INB physicist César da Costa.
Image: Representatives from INB and IPEN at the signing ceremony (courtesy of INB)