Project name: Treatment and conditioning of Historical Waste (Project C7C)
Contact: BIDSF PMU – Procurement Group, Jadrová a vyrad’ovacia spoločnost’, a.s., Building Nr. 750-IX-5, 919 31 Jaslovské Bohunice, Slovak Republic. Fax: +421 33 531 4600
Country: Slovak Republic
Business sector: Nuclear Safety
Project ID: 9639
Funding source: BIDSF
Type of contract: Supply and Installation
Type of notice: Invitation for Tenders
Jadrová a vyrad’ovacia spoločnost’ a.s. (JAVYS), hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, has received a grant from the Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund (BIDSF), administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank).
The objective of this project is to improve the equipment and operation of the existing RAW processing systems (sorting, incineration, super-compaction, concentration, cementation, transportation, bituminisation and supporting systems), in order to increase its capacity and/or the reliability to allow the processing of all VI NPP historical RAW before the commencement of the VI NPP decommissioning in 2012.
The site visit will take place on 11 th of November 2009 beginning from 9.00 a.m. at NPP VI Jaslovske Bohunice, INFOCENTRUM meeting room (entrance of administrative building). For arranging of entry permission the perspective tenderers are requested to submit the following data of their representatives who wish to participate at site visit meeting: name, date of birth, identification card or passport No., home address, personal identification number for Slovak citizens, within one week before the visit’s date. Due to limited number of places at meeting room a maximum 2 persons of each tenderer will be allowed to attend the above meeting.
The delivery, installation and testing of the equipment within this specification shall be 24 months from the Commencement date, but not later than 2011.
This project consists of two parts:
Part 1 comprises modification and reconstruction of the existing BSC technologies, including all related activities.
Part 2 comprises the modification of the existing bituminisation process, including all related activities.
The Contractor’s scope of supply for Parts 1 and 2 shall comprise:
• Design,
• Engineering,
• Certification including the licensing process,
• Procurement,
• Manufacture,
• Delivery,
• Dismantling and disassembly,
• Installation,
• Construction,
• Commissioning tests
• Commissioning,
• Testing,
• Obtaining operational licence,
• Proposals and recommendations for changes, operating and maintenance instructions.
The Contractor’s duties also include the development of necessary documentation pursuant to valid acts of the SR (chiefly No. 50/1976, 223/2001, 541/2004, 24/2006, 124/2006 and 355/2007 Coll.) and the support to the Employer to obtain relevant permits.
Provision of adequate training to the Employer’s personnel and maintenance works support during the defect notification period form a part of the works.
The erection and installation works will be performed mainly on the site of Nuclear Power VI Plant and RWTC – Radioactive Waste Treatment Center, Jaslovske Bohunice.
Procurement will be carried out in accordance with EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules with the exception of country eligibility restrictions defined within the BIDSF rules. Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of the BIDSF grant which is administered by the Bank is open to firms from all eligible countries: EU member states, Switzerland, and the EBRD’s Countries of Operations.
The proceeds of the grant will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Chapter of the United Nations.
Tender documents may be obtained from the office at the address below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Euro three hundred (€ 300) or equivalent in a convertible currency at the account No. 2629106127/1100 IBAN: SK6111000000002629106127 BIC: TATRSKBX.
If requested, the documents will be promptly dispatched by courier, but no liability can be accepted for loss or late delivery.
All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security in an amount equal to Euro one hundred fifty thousand (€150 000) or its equivalent in a convertible currency.