AREVA has been awarded contracts to supply nuclear fuel assemblies to the Gundremmingen, Emsland and Philippsburg nuclear power plants in Germany. Three separate contracts have been signed with German utilities RWE and EnBW, AREVA announced 12 July.

The first two contracts signed with RWE cover the manufacture and the supply of ATRIUM fuel assemblies for Gundremmingen boiling water reactors in Bavaria, and HTP fuel assemblies for the Emsland PWR nuclear power plant, until late 2015.

AREVA has also concluded a contract with EnBW regarding the manufacture and the delivery of HTP fuel assemblies for unit 2 of the Philippsburg (Baden-Württemberg) nuclear power plant, between 2014 and 2017.

These fuel assemblies will be manufactured by AREVA at its Lingen site in Germany.

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