Production was up at AREVA’s sites in Kazakhstan and Niger. The KATCO and SOMAIR projects both beat their all-time production highs for the second consecutive year producing 3661 tU (53 tU more than in 2011), and 3065 tU (339 tU more than in 2011), respectively.
AREVA said that its other Nigerien mine, COMINAK, also turned in "an outstanding performance," producing at total of 1506 tU, with 512 tU as AREVA’s share. The McArthur-Key Lake teams produced 2270 tU as AREVA’s share, 108 tons more than initially targeted. The Trekkopje site (Namibia) produced 251 tU.
"We are in line with the production objectives of the 2016 strategic action plan," said Olivier Wantz, Senior Executive Vice President, Mining activities and Member of the AREVA Executive Board.