Rosatom’s engineering division Atomenergomash has completed manufacture of the upper half of the reactor pressure vessel for unit 2 of the Rooppur nuclear power plant in Bangladesh.
The component was manufactured at Atommash JSC’s Volgodonsk branch of AEM Technologies.
Rosatom is building two 1200MWe VVER-1200 units at Rooppur, which is on the eastern bank of the river Ganges.
Specialists first connected the elements of the half-shell – two shells and a flange. Next, the compontent was moved to a welding stand, where two ring welds were welded at a temperature of 150-300 degrees Celsius. Welding lasted a total of 25 days. During the work, experts used 4027kg of flux and 3057kg of wire with a diameter of 4mm.
After welding, the component was heated to 270 degrees Celsius. Using a bridge crane with a lifting capacity of 250t, the half shell was then moved to a furnace for heat treatment for four days.
The next step is the welding of shells and the bottom of the lower half-shell, AEM said.
Photo: The upper half of the reactor pressure vessel for unit 2 of the Rooppur nuclear plant (Photo: Atomenergomash)