Specialists of Atomstroyeksport (ASE – part of Rosatom’s engineering division) have completed installation of the first tier of the inner containment (VZO – Vnutrennei Zatsitnoi Obolochki)) at unit 1 of the El Dabaa NPP under construction in Egypt. The installation was carried out under the supervision of the Egyptian Nuclear Power Plant Authority (NPPA). The progress was checked by NPPA Board Chairman Amged El-Wakil and Rosatom First Deputy General Director Andrey Petrov.

The VZO is a critical engineering component, comprising 12 segments, each weighing 60-80 tonnes. The installation of the first tier was executed in four technical stages. Once completed, the VZO will represent a cylindrical structure crafted from reinforced concrete, featuring a hemispherical dome. It will house the nuclear reactor and primary circuit equipment.

“In 2023, we achieved a good pace, and I have no doubt that this year it will only increase,” said Petrov. “Right now, work is underway at more than 130 areas on the site. Today, more than 20,000 people are sorking at El-Dabaa…. I want to note the close interaction of the Russian and Egyptian sides. Without this component it would be difficult to talk about the successful implementation of the project. There is no doubt that with such a high level of cooperation we will be able to fulfil Egypt’s long-standing dream – to build the most modern and safe NPP in the world.”